There are so many occasions to move up: school events, sporting accolades, marriage, the END of a marriage, new job endeavors… Just like The Jeffersons, there are endless opportunities to move up in this world.
Today my eleven year old began her journey of moving up. Today she graduated from 5th Grade at Highland School in Westfield, MA and next year she will move up to South Middle School here in Westfield, MA.
Highland School was our second elementary school and second grade was her first year there. It was a rocky beginning to what would become a really wonderful experience. My daughter has learned and grown and experienced so much while within the doors of Highland Elementary. She has withstood the stresses of a new environment and persevered to enjoy the love of true friends and the gracious education from several teachers who have given their best love, guidance and support.
She has had so much fun. Fun in the classroom with teachers who find interesting ways to teach their lessons and truly love the craft of education. Fun with experiments, research and writing. Fun with field trips and overnight excursions. Fun with her friends both at and outside of school and these friendships will last.
As a parent I am truly grateful for the kind of attention my daughter was given in her elementary education. From the foundation up, Highland School brings the best to their students every day. The staff leadership of Mr. Kane and Mr. Manfredi have taken concern in my child’s personal welfare and her teachers have been attentive, caring and concerned.
I have written to them personally of my affection for their guidance in my daughter’s life, but I wanted to make a public symbol of my appreciation. My daughter and I have had a great experience and we thank each one of you who touched her life at Highland School.
You are the type of educators that a parent wants in their child’s life and it is with gratitude that I send you my best regards. I hope you enjoy this video I made in honor of the auspicious occasion!