Thank you to those that keep us safe.
Osama Bin Laden and Loss
So I know I am not making any breaking news in discussing the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Many of you are celebrating and I understand this. The man masterminded destruction on a scale we never dreamed possible and his death is symbolically important.
What I haven’t heard mentioned is what is MORE important. What about:
The family that lost someone on 9/11?
The family that gave their son, daughter, brother, sister, wife, husband, friend to the war in Afganistan?
The children who will never understand?
The family that shared their leader with the military for months, or even years?
The people who are afraid to ride the subways in NYC?
The military people STILL in grave danger in the Middle East?
Before we celebrate, before we light fireworks, let us recognize the loss and grave expense we have incured in this war. Let us cry for those lost and the waste that war brings. Let us honor their brave and loving American spirits in the proper way.
Do not get me wrong. I wanted to see this day, too. However, this day came with a substantial price and it is fitting to reflect upon that.
If you had a part in this, no matter how small, God Bless You. Thank you for your diligence and help and thank you for being an American.
God Bless.
Stoney Hill Condominiums in the Spring
Stoney Hill Condominiums in Westfield, MA boasts lovely landscaping and it truly shines in the spring as the flowering bushes and trees take center stage. There are always people taking a walk, kids riding their bikes and plenty of birds and wildlife to appreciate.
Here are a few pictures from the complex for you to enjoy:
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
To access more information on Stoney Hill Condominiums in Westfield, MA you can visit where you will find market reports, sales data and more!
Downtown Westfield, MA Pub Tour
Last night Morriss and I attended downtown Westfield’s pub tour and had a great time. I was impressed with how well organized the event was and how enthusiastic the volunteers working the different stations were.
Morriss and I started at the Church Street Commons check in, where we were treated to fiddle music and quick visit with my friend and event organizer, Bob Plasse.
From there we headed down to the Maple Leaf Tavern where there was a live band, appetizers and lots of friends.
Morriss and I went back to the Church Street Commons to be treated to a horse and carriage ride around a downtown block. It afforded a lovely twighlight view of several historic and beautiful buildings. The weather was ideal and the ride was a romantic slice of yesteryear.
Our next stop was Shenanigans, which Morriss wanted to visit because he used to play softball for the previous (way previous?) incarnation, City Limitz. I had never been in the bar and enjoyed their Irish decor. I ordered a Killians and was sent home with the glass, which they tell me is what they always do when you order Killians.
After that we headed to the Nook. This building always looks so nice, with holiday wreaths and flowers in each of the windows, but I have never been inside. What a treat! It was like stepping back in time in a wonderfully nostalgic way. I look forward to going back to this place and bringing friends!
Our stroll continued to perennial favorites, The School Street Bistro and finished at a very crowded Tavern.
It was so wonderful to see our city filled with happy people enjoying a beautiful evening out. Even with the city under extensive construction and not looking it’s finest, we could be proud to be residents of Westfield, MA. I felt the community spirit and found it delightful!
Thank you to the organizers for creating this terrific event, you make Westfield proud!
If you missed the event, I made a Gowalla pub tour trip of all the places that Morriss and I visited last night so you can enjoy, too!
Westfield,MA Construction Project now being called “Big Dig”
Westfield, MA is under construction. It seems everywhere you turn you run into another area under extensive repairs. The green is black and brown and covered in equipment and debris, the Elm Street sidewalks are torn up, road repairs continue down Main Street and the Great Bridge projects are seemingly eternal.
As a REALTOR for Park Square Realty in Westfield, you can imagine that I do a lot of driving around town. This construction has been causing delays for all of us trying to get around town at all times of the day. It can also have an impact on the marketability of your home for sale. We all know that real estate is about location and this construction definitely impacts our location. It is important to remember that this is temporary and will eventually make our City even better than it was.
Yesterday traffic was especially bad as I commented in this post:
Here is a slideshow of pictures that I have taken over the last few months:
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Masslive has articles and additional photos available as well.
I am excited to see what my hometown will look like after this process is complete. $100 million dollars worth of work is nothing to sneeze at and I sure hope it looks as good as they say it will! In the meantime, we will all have to take a deep breath and try to stay calm as we sit in traffic jams.
Lesley Lambert is a REALTOR at Park Square Realty in Westfield, MA.