This week I received my first really nasty comment on my blog.
My first instinct was to delete and ignore. My mother always warned me that engaging with angry people is fruitless and much like poking a tiger.
My second thought was, wait, there is a blog post here. It might be a sort of blogger’s illness that I want to turn everything into a blog post, but I really want to explore the question that this nasty comment brought up and I want your input, too.
Do me a favor, though? Make the comments a bit less nasty. On second thought, maybe I find nasty comments inspiring.
Without further ado, here is the aforementioned comment:
The fact that you have facebook, twitter and a blog doesn’t make you tech saavy it makes you like everyone else in the world including my 10 year old nephew. Do you know XML? PHP? C+? Ruby on Rails? CSS? I didn’t think so. You real estate agents are pathetic.
I used that quote directly via cut and paste and left the bad spelling in place but I do know how to spell SAVVY.
Now, I CAN actually do some amateur coding, but I really don’t see how that is relevant to being a tech savvy real estate agent. Is Ruby on Rails going to assist me when negotiating a contract? Do I need to know CSS to assist a buyer client in finding their perfect home?
I use technology to be a more efficient and effective real estate agent in Western Massachusetts.
I define tech savvy as the ability to use technology to perform my job in a better way than I could without the technology. I think my effective use of iPhone, iPad, a blog, cloud applications and social media does make me tech savvy.
How do you define Tech Savvy?